Committee Activities

Did you know?

  • Committee size: Currently 36 (as of January 2024)
  • Meeting times: 1st Monday every month, 1 pm
  • Most active months: Aug-Nov (Fundraising activities) Feb-Apr (screening, interviewing, awarding).
  • Applications: Reviewing completed applications, designing interview questions and expected responses, interviewing, selecting, awarding.
  • Activities: Once applicants are awarded, each is assigned a committee member as her mentor. Members keep in contact and provide moral support and guidance, as needed.

What is unique about the Committee? It is the only TWOQC committee dedicated to helping women further their education beyond high school, and provide awards based on specific criteria that are determined by the committee and supported by our organization. In addition to awarding scholarships to graduating high school seniors, TWOQC awards scholarships to women over 21 who are returning to school, known as Women in Transition, making this scholarship program especially unique.

Applications are available and may be completed on the TWQOC website. Awards Night is held each spring at the Madera Clubhouse and is open to the public. The group stays in touch with past awardees to provide annual updates.

Dedicated Scholarships: If you would like to honor a loved one who as passed, or commemorate a special occasion like a 50th wedding anniversary or 80th birthday, you can do so by contacting the Director of Scholarships to design a Dedicated Scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded in honor of your loved one or occasion.

Many groups and organizations award scholarships, but TWOQC scholarship recipients receive mentoring from members of the committee which many recipients have said was one of the most valuable parts of the award.

Finally, subcommittee members have forged partnerships with the high school’s counseling departments and with the Pima Community College Foundation.

There is something for everyone and lots of rewarding work to be done.

TWOQC Members: If you have a desire to support women and their educational pursuits, contact the Director of Scholarships, Deb Melton 720-317-5833 or

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Page updated: 12/29/23 | DM/Msc